Turn entrepeneurs into champions

Orange Wings Investments is an impact VC fund. Over the past 8 years, we have built an impact-biased portfolio of 16 scale-ups, spanning diverse industries, with a particular emphasis on energy transition, agritech, marketplaces, conservation, food provisioning, and social impact.  

©Loop Biotech


Discover our investment criteria, guiding us in identifying potential future opportunities while currently focusing on our existing portfolio.

Great Business Case

Everything starts with why; What is the problem you are solving and for whom? There needs to be a BHAG (BigHairy Audacious Goal), with the potential for a high return.

Personal click with founders

We don’t just invest in companies; we invest in people. A good personal click with the founders is the fundament on which our partnership is built.

Founders need to be open for a challenge/mentoring.
We prefer co-founders. We have a diverse team of founders.

OWI is usually the first major investor

We like to be the only minority investor with 25-40% so that we have the right to add to the discussion but that the founders keep a majority stake.

We normally invest EUR 250K to 1M initially with the ability to invest significantly more in the next rounds, so founders can concentrate on growing their business.

Positive social and/or environmental impact

We need to leave this planet measurably better than when we got here. We want to make positive impact.



Great leaders have a knack for inspiring others to believe in their vision and goals. They are authentic and completely focused on their business.


Everyone should be aware of their impact on the environment and others. Sustainable and social impact should be part of the backbone of your company.


The best ideas are often simple, but always unique. You can’t stand out unless you bring something new.


Focus and determination are the keys to overcome obstacles and reach your goals.


Be who you are, say what you mean and stick to your word. Success starts with doing what you believe in and sticking to it.

Shawn Harris

Shawn Harris is an investor and entrepreneur, best known for founding Nature's Pride, a company that became a benchmark in the produce industry.

Building on her success, she later established Orange Wings Investments, an impact VC fund that offers portfolio companies both capital and a broad range of advice in building their businesses. She gained nationwide recognition for her role as a Dragon on the TV show Dragons’ Den, where she appeared for three seasons. She enjoys the challenge of investing in startups and scale-ups, with game changing ideas that have high potential.

©Malou van Breevoort