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Shawn Harris receives prestigious fCN Gassan Jewel Award 2023

1 November 2023


Orange Wings Investments



Guus J. Baks

Uitreiking Gassan Jewel Award 2023 - Shawn Harris
David Bijlsma (Gassan), Shawn Harris (Orange Wings Investments) en Merlin Melles

Orange Wings Investments is pleased to announce that on Tuesday, October 31, our founder and CEO, Shawn Harris, was honored with the fCN Gassan Jewel Award 2023. This prestigious award recognizes Shawn's outstanding contributions to Orange Wings Investments, her entrepreneurship, and other endeavors.

The award ceremony took place at the illustrious Royal Theater Tuschinski in Amsterdam, where Merlin Melles of fCN and David Bijlsma of Gassan Diamonds presented Shawn with this distinguished honor.

Gassan Jewel Awards 2023 - ©Carla Gorter
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