Oyster Heaven is a marine conservation organisation that regenerates oyster reefs at an economically and environmentally sustainable scale.

The story behind
Oyster Heaven
The story behind
Oyster Heaven
2022, 2024
Early Growth

Oyster Heaven is tackling the critical issue of oyster reef restoration, with only 15% of global reefs remaining. We invested because of their scalable, cost-effective approach to restoring oyster reefs, which play a key role in filtering water, enhancing marine biodiversity, and protecting coastlines. By leveraging biodiversity and nitrogen credits, George and his team are paving the way for large-scale oyster regeneration as a viable business model. This is impact at its best.

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Oysters play a crucial role in marine biodiversity, helping to filter the water just like trees clean the air. The reefs formed by these mollusks also provide useful shelter for other marine life to flourish. Regeneration is urgent and necessary. Only 15% of oyster reefs remain.

Oyster Heaven is working to change that. And oyster reefs are one of the most natural and cost-effective ways to do so.

Founded in 2021 by George Birch, the company uses holistic, science-based and scalable solutions to help clean our oceans. By helping oysters thrive, the company gets closer to its vision of a society where people, vital industries (such as housing and food suppliers) and marine biodiversity can continue to exist comfortably in the future.

By 2030:

  • 20 billion litres of water filtered per day
  • 40 billion more sea creatures
  • 200 tonnes sewege fertiliser managed annually
  • 100 million oysters
team behind
the company
George Birch
Toon Luttikhuis
Finance & Investor Relations Lead
Dirk Jan Rebel
Operations Lead
Blanca Bolaños
Marketing Lead

Working with Shawn and Orange Wings Investments has been phenomenal. I never expected the level of support and warm advice from an investor that we have received. It is so much more than the money. I know we wouldn't be anywhere near where we are today without her and her team.

– George Birch, founder of Oyster Heaven